First World War

Jacques Vaché, interprète - quelques pistes

Une exploration des archives relatives à l'activité d'interprète de Jacques Vaché

Mésentente cordiale? Language in the Allied coalition on the Western Front of the Great War

First World War Studies online

Experiencing War at the Interstices between different Armies - (dis)trust and allegiance(s) in language mediation on the Western Front of the First World War

Table-ronde - Le renouveau de l’histoire en ligne: le cas de la Première Guerre mondiale

Friendly and/or enemy languages? Linguistic preparation of the First World War in France, Great Britain and Germany

Expanding pre-war language strategy analysis to Germany

'Ces conquérants pacifiques et leurs hôtes' - Friendly Occupation of Northern France by the British forces during the First World War

The British presence in Northern France during the First World War

An example of Open History - The First World War Studies Society collaborative Bibliography

Presentation of the First World War Studies bibliography

'Schoolboy French', 'Tommy French' and other modes of communication – The British Army faces the Civilians on the Western Front

Analysis of exchanges within the Allied Coalition

'Schoolboy French', 'Tommy French' et d'autres modes de communication – L'armée britannique et les civils dans le nord de la France pendant la Première Guerre mondiale

Analyse des échanges au sein de la coalition alliée